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Bradley County Commission meeting recap

The Bradley County Commission met last night.   Mayor Gary Davis presented an updated ARP Plan to the Commissioners. The plan includes

The Bradley County Commission met last night.


Mayor Gary Davis presented an updated ARP Plan to the Commissioners. The plan includes previously approved projects as well as projects that will still need final approval from the commission. The Commission approved the plan with the understanding that some pending projects would need to be individually approved before expenditures are made or projects started. The total amount of the projects in the plan exceeds 20 million dollars. The ARP funds were awarded to Bradley County from the Federal government. The Commissioners approved the plan 14-0. 


The Commission voted to cancel the November 27th and December 26th work sessions and the January 2nd voting session because of the upcoming holidays. 


3rd District Commissioner Milan Blake, who also chairs the Finance Committee, shared with Commissioners 4 recommendations voted on by the Finance Committee earlier in the day.


First, the Committee recommended Constructing a fence at the justice center with ARP funds for the amount of $77,400 the recommendation passed 14-0.


Second, the Committee recommended the Approval of $196k as the final payment of the LIC North Project. The commission passed the resolution 14-0. 


Third, a Budget amendment was recommended to pay off over 1 million dollars of the balance of the inter-fund loan on the Bradley County workhouse. The Commission passed the recommendation 14-0.


The final recommendation of the Committee was to local community groups that had applied for funding from the opioid settlement fund. The Committee recommended the Commission fully fund projects from ATS the Bridge and the Boys and Girls Club and partially fund requests from The Caring Place and The Foundation House.  The total amount of funding was approximately 225,000 dollars. The motion passed 14-0. 


The Commissioners also unanimously passed approximately $385,000 in water projects throughout the county.