HomeMix TV Interviews

Questions to Ask your Doctor – Mix 104 Health Minute

We were joined by Brian Fretwell with Direct Primary Care. He talked about 9 important questions you should be asking your doctor. THE 9 MOST I

We were joined by Brian Fretwell with Direct Primary Care. He talked about 9 important questions you should be asking your doctor.


1. “What are the different treatment options?” 

you may have to ask your doctor about your alternatives 

2. “What outcome should I expect?” 

ask what type of medical and symptomatic outcomes you can expect 

3. “Do we have to do this now, or can we revisit it later?” 

when they meet with a patient, there’s the temptation to be as thorough as possible with tests or treatments. But sometimes certain tests or therapies can wait 

4. “Is there anything I can do on my own to improve my condition?” 

Adjusting your lifestyle is often more important than taking the right medication 

5. “What are the side effects?” 

6. “How will I hear about my test results?” 

7. “How much will this cost me?” 

8. “Should I get a second opinion?” 

9. “What questions haven’t I asked that I should have?”

Learn more about Direct Primary Care online at http://Directpca.com


Mix 104 Health Minute